No More Heroes Wiki
Mrs. Touchdown
Real name Unknown
Nickname {{{nickname}}}
Species Human
Nationality American
Relatives Mr. Touchdown (husband)

Henry Cooldown (son)
Travis Touchdown (son)
Jeane (stepdaughter)
Sylvia Christel (daughter-in-law)
Jeane Touchdown (granddaughter)
Hunter Touchdown (grandson)
Scott Touchdown (great-grandson)

Status Deceased
Debut No More Heroes

Mrs. Touchdown is a posthumous character in the No More Heroes series. She is the wife of Mr. Touchdown, the mother of Henry Cooldown and Travis Touchdown, and the stepmother of Jeane.



At some point, Mrs. Touchdown would marry Mr. Touchdown and give birth to twin sons Henry and Travis. After Mr. Touchdown's mistress commits suicide, she would become the stepmother to her daughter Jeane.

Mrs. Touchdown would eventually be killed by Jeane along with her husband out of revenge for years of abuse.


  • It's unknown if she was aware of her husband's true nature.

