No More Heroes Wiki

Future Concept

Future Jeane

NMH1 Jeane

Child Jeane TSA

Jeane's Pixel Art from the Bubblegum Fatale DLC

Age 7-10 (NMH1)
Species Human
Nationality American
Relatives Unnamed grandfather
Unnamed paternal grandmother
Mrs. Christel (maternal grandmother)
Travis Touchdown (father)
Sylvia Christel (mother)
Henry Cooldown (uncle)
Jeane (half-aunt) ✝
Hunter Touchdown (twin brother)
Scott Touchdown (future son)
Occupations V-Tuber
Status Alive
Debut No More Heroes
Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes
No More Heroes III
Voiced by Paula Tiso

Jeane Touchdown is a minor character introduced in No More Heroes. She is the daughter of Travis Touchdown and Sylvia Christel, also the twin sister of Hunter Touchdown, and grows up to be the mother of Scott Touchdown in the future.


Jeane's appearance at the end of No More Heroes shows her as having short blonde hair and pale skin.


Travis Touchdown[]

Jeane appears to have a stable relationship with her father despite him being away for an unknown period of time. She calls him a "shitty dad" when he doesn't recognize her from the future.


No More Heroes[]

Jeane is first seen as a child with her mother Sylvia, admiring the painting of Travis and Henry fighting in the game's end credits. She is enraptured, taking a while to follow Sylvia as she walks away.

Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes[]

During the Bubblegum Fatale DLC, it is mentioned that Jeane is living in Townsend Manor on the run with her mother Sylvia, at the request of Travis.

No More Heroes III[]

Jeane appears at the end of the game with her brother, Hunter, the two having grown up into warriors of their own right. The two instantaneously defeat King Jess-Baptiste V by cutting him into pieces, then meet with their father, Travis. Jeane remarks "what a shitty dad" he is when he doesn't recognize her immediately and is left dumbfounded as a result. The two siblings then explain that they have come from a future where Henry assassinated Travis and cooperated with aliens to take over Earth. She urges an aghast Travis to help right the future with them.
